Migration Lab booklet

> Portfolio Illustration Graphic Design Illustrations and layout of the booklet “Key Questions Regarding the Quality of Educational Media in Migration Societies” Client: Migration Lab 2024
radikal jüdisch

> Portfolio Graphic Design Webdesign based on WordPress. “radikal_juedisch” is an educational collective that creates opportunities for encounters from a young Jewish perspective and facilitates education, process support, counseling and self-empowerment. Client: radikal_juedisch
Die Blaue Zone

> Portfolio Illustration Graphic Design Illustrations and design of postcards, website and social media graphics. “Die Blaue Zone” is a project for exchange and being active for people above 55 years. Client: Kulturzentrum Pavillon

> Portfolio a collection of social media images for Voicemail Illustration Graphic Design Illustration and graphic design for posters, and social media. Voicemail is an event series with performance, spoken word and comedy of people of the asian diaspora in Berlin. Client: Voicemail 2023
Diversitätscheck Grundschulbücher

> Portfolio Illustration Graphic Design Flyer and Illustrations for the project “(un)sichtbar?! Diversitätscheck Grundschulbücher” ((in)visible?! diversity check for primary school books). 2023
United Networks

> Portfolio Graphic Design Poster and sharepics for United Networks’ “Action Days” , a network for marginalized artists and people working in the cultural sector. Client: United Networks 2023

> Portfolio Graphic Design Design for website, social media and poster for the #strongertogether, a network for intersectional festivals and events. Client: #strongertogether 2023
Magic Meyers Late Night Show

> Portfolio http://srisnt.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Magic-Meyer-2.mp4 Motion Design Graphic Design Logo-Design, postcard layout and animation of the logo as a digital neon sign (made in Blender) for “Magic Meyer’s Late Night Show”. Client: Staatstheater Hannover / Universen
like a fish out of salty water

> Portfolio postcard for the performance “like a fish out of salty water” Illustration Graphic Design Illustration and design of postcards and a poster for the performance “like a fish out of salty water” Client: Kollektiv Ahmad-Haschemi/ Christians